(レーザー関連)オランダ・スーパーライト・フォトニクス社/SuperLight Photonics spurs innovation with the world’s first portable wideband laser

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SuperLight Photonics, a pioneer company for supercontinuum lasers and technology, has launched the first revolutionary portable wideband laser, the SLP-1000. Its high-quality smooth wide spectral output offers an unrivalled light source for industrial and medical imaging applications and for the dynamic world of spectroscopy.

Supercontinuum lasers, also known as wideband lasers, provide immense bandwidth while maintaining high coherence and low noise. However, today’s industrial solutions are large and heavy, with limited environmental robustness, and require high power. Moreover, while they deliver a wide bandwidth of colors, a dominant color usually stands out, whereas the remaining colors are at exceedingly low relative power levels. Essentially, they are “wideband” by technicality.

